This guide provides instructions for modders who wish to add their own custom Mega Evolutions in Cobblemon: Mega Showdown using Neoforge and Fabric. Follow the steps below to integrate new Mega Stones and assign them to specific Pokémon species.
Before you start, clone the project repository from GitHub to your local machine.
Run the following command:
git clone
Navigate into the cloned directory:
cd MegaShowdownMDK
Now you are ready to begin modifying the mod files.
To register a custom Mega Stone and associate it with a specific Pokémon species, add the following code inside the onServerStarting
File Path: /neoforge/src/main/com/example/examplemod/
public void onServerStarting(ServerStartingEvent event) {
Utils.MEGA_STONE_IDS.put(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE.asItem(), getSpecies("groudon"));
Modify the following file:
File Path: /neoforge/src/main/com/example/examplemod/item/
public static final DeferredItem<Item> CUSTOM_STONE = ITEMS.register("custom_stone",
() -> new Item(new Item.Properties()) {
public void appendHoverText(ItemStack stack, TooltipContext context, List<Component> tooltipComponents, TooltipFlag tooltipFlag) {
super.appendHoverText(stack, context, tooltipComponents, tooltipFlag);
Modify the following file:
File Path: /neoforge/src/main/com/example/examplemod/creativeTab/
public static final Supplier<CreativeModeTab> EXAMPLE_TAB = CREATIVE_MODE_TAB.register("example_tab",
() -> CreativeModeTab.builder()
.icon(() -> new ItemStack(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE.get())) //Tab icon item
.displayItems((itemDisplayParameters, output) -> {
To register a custom Mega Stone and associate it with a specific Pokémon species, modify:
File Path: /fabric/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/
private void onServerStarted(MinecraftServer server) {
Utils.MEGA_STONE_IDS.put(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE.asItem(), getSpecies("groudon"));
Modify the following file:
File Path: /fabric/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/item/
public static final Item CUSTOM_STONE = registerItem("custom_stone", new Item(new Item.Settings()) {
public void appendTooltip(ItemStack stack, TooltipContext context, List<Text> tooltip, TooltipType type) {
super.appendTooltip(stack, context, tooltip, type);
Modify the following file:
File Path: /fabric/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/creativeTab/
public static final ItemGroup MEGA_SHOWDOWN_TAB = Registry.register(Registries.ITEM_GROUP,
Identifier.of(ExampleMod.MOD_ID, "example_tab"),
FabricItemGroup.builder().icon(() -> new ItemStack(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE)) // Creative TAB icon
.entries(((displayContext, entries) -> {
adds the custom Mega Stone to the creative tab.FabricItemGroup.builder().icon(() -> new ItemStack(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE))
sets the tab icon to the custom Mega Stone (can be changed if needed).Text.translatable("creativeTab.example_mod.example_tab")
allows localization for the tab name.This covers the basics of adding custom Mega Stones in both Neoforge and Fabric. The next section will cover the data pack side of the integration.