
Cobblemon: Mega Showdown - Neoforge & Fabric MDK

This guide provides instructions for modders who wish to add their own custom Mega Evolutions in Cobblemon: Mega Showdown using Neoforge and Fabric. Follow the steps below to integrate new Mega Stones and assign them to specific Pokémon species.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Before you start, clone the project repository from GitHub to your local machine.

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Run the following command:

    git clone
  3. Navigate into the cloned directory:

    cd MegaShowdownMDK

Now you are ready to begin modifying the mod files.


1. Assigning a Mega Stone to a Pokémon

To register a custom Mega Stone and associate it with a specific Pokémon species, add the following code inside the onServerStarting event:

File Path: /neoforge/src/main/com/example/examplemod/

public void onServerStarting(ServerStartingEvent event) {
    Utils.MEGA_STONE_IDS.put(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE.asItem(), getSpecies("groudon"));

2. Creating a Custom Mega Stone

Modify the following file:

File Path: /neoforge/src/main/com/example/examplemod/item/

public static final DeferredItem<Item> CUSTOM_STONE = ITEMS.register("custom_stone",
        () -> new Item(new Item.Properties()) {
            public void appendHoverText(ItemStack stack, TooltipContext context, List<Component> tooltipComponents, TooltipFlag tooltipFlag) {
                super.appendHoverText(stack, context, tooltipComponents, tooltipFlag);

3. Adding the Custom Mega Stone to a Creative Tab

Modify the following file:

File Path: /neoforge/src/main/com/example/examplemod/creativeTab/

public static final Supplier<CreativeModeTab> EXAMPLE_TAB = CREATIVE_MODE_TAB.register("example_tab",
        () -> CreativeModeTab.builder()
                .icon(() -> new ItemStack(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE.get())) //Tab icon item
                .displayItems((itemDisplayParameters, output) -> {


1. Assigning a Mega Stone to a Pokémon

To register a custom Mega Stone and associate it with a specific Pokémon species, modify:

File Path: /fabric/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/

private void onServerStarted(MinecraftServer server) {
    Utils.MEGA_STONE_IDS.put(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE.asItem(), getSpecies("groudon"));

2. Creating a Custom Mega Stone

Modify the following file:

File Path: /fabric/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/item/

public static final Item CUSTOM_STONE = registerItem("custom_stone", new Item(new Item.Settings()) {
    public void appendTooltip(ItemStack stack, TooltipContext context, List<Text> tooltip, TooltipType type) {
        super.appendTooltip(stack, context, tooltip, type);

3. Adding the Custom Mega Stone to a Creative Tab

Modify the following file:

File Path: /fabric/src/main/java/com/example/examplemod/creativeTab/

public static final ItemGroup MEGA_SHOWDOWN_TAB = Registry.register(Registries.ITEM_GROUP,
        Identifier.of(ExampleMod.MOD_ID, "example_tab"),
        FabricItemGroup.builder().icon(() -> new ItemStack(ExampleItems.CUSTOM_STONE)) // Creative TAB icon
                .entries(((displayContext, entries) -> {


This covers the basics of adding custom Mega Stones in both Neoforge and Fabric. The next section will cover the data pack side of the integration.