This guide provides an example of how to add Mega Evolutions to existing Pokémon using Mega Metagross as a reference. The stripped version of Souls Mega Pack contains all necessary configurations to set up a Mega Evolution.
File Path: data/cobblemon/dex_entry_additions/pokemon/hoenn/mega_metagross.json
This file adds a dex entry for Mega Metagross. You should create a similar file for your custom Mega Pokémon.
File Path: data/cobblemon/species_features/mega.json
This JSON defines the Mega Evolution feature. It includes details about how Mega Evolution functions in the game.
File Path: data/cobblemon/species_feature_assignments/mega.json
This file assigns the Mega Evolution feature to specific Pokémon species. Modify it to link your desired Pokémon to its Mega Evolution.
File Paths:
These files define the 3D model, animations, and poses for Mega Metagross. You need to create equivalent files for your own Mega Pokémon.
File Path: assets/cobblemon/bedrock/species/0376_metagross/1_metagross_mega.json
This file contains the species data for Mega Metagross, including stats, abilities, and forms. Copy this structure when creating a Mega Evolution for another Pokémon.
File Path: assets/cobblemon/lang/en_us.json
This file contains localized names and descriptions for the Mega Pokémon. Update it to include the name and description of your Mega Evolution.
To add Mega Evolutions for another Pokémon, follow these steps:
to link your Pokémon to Mega Evolution.By following these steps, you can successfully create custom Mega Evolutions using the example of Mega Metagross as a guide.